Friday, February 22, 2008

Clarification about the BJ posting

I’m posting this because I did not listen to the inner voice in my head:

“That blog was inappropriate”

Yet, I put it up because when I wrote it, about 5 years ago. It seemed funny. It seemed funny to every guy I talked or showed it to. Revisiting it allowed me to reflect on how different of a person I am now from that guy who thought that something was funny only to a specific audience.

The views on that entry do not reflect my current views about love, intimacy and relationships. These things are personal to me and with that entry I have devalued myself and this blog which is something I don’t want to do.

My lack of editing, laziness and thoughtfulness about the reading audience is something that happened on that entry. I apologize if I offended anyone and I hope that you (the reader) do not think of me as a sexist and chauvinistic individual. This is not who I am, nor support those views. It was poor judgment on my part and should have clarified in more detail how and why of that blog entry.

I hope you continue reading the blog entries. I will be more thoughtful about this next time.

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